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Artists' Day Out + Youth Mentorship


We’re hosting a day of nature-inspired art to connect experienced artists with youth interested in developing their art skills. Sweeping views of Mt. McLaughlin, songs of the gurgling creek, and spring birds and flowers will inspire all visitors to Vesper Meadow.


Artists-in-plein-air :

From painting, to story-telling, photography and writing, we welcome all art forms for a joyous day of creation on Saturday May 11th. 12 artists will be on-site creating their art during this day, helping to document the state of the land and celebrate its transformation.

Artist mentors:

Nine of the artists have chosen the option to be paired with 2-4 local youth who are awarded a day of art fellowship. Students will be nominated by 4th grade -College educators from the Rogue Valley.

Thank you to the teachers who have nominated 50 youth from around the Rogue Valley!

We look forward to this event and will keep everyone posted on our blog and social media.